

We are continuously on the lookout for qualified speakers to present at our conferences.
One thing all speakers have in common is that they are at the forefront of their industry sector and have information to share which is particularly relevant in the business context. It is this specific experience, which gives our conferences the edge.

Based on the market researching of a conference topic and issues, it is our conference producer’s task to identify and assemble the most stimulating and appropriate topics and speakers for each conference. It is the research and market feedback which determine the conference agenda and speakers. The conference delegate is our consumer, therefore our task is to find out, through our research, what he or she wants to learn in order to assist them in their tasks in the relevant markets.

To keep our conferences fresh and exciting, we are continually sourcing new presenters with innovative ideas within their areas of expertise. Speakers must come from organizations well recognized in their fields: they must be senior, experienced speakers of high caliber – and they must offer more than just theory. Conference delegates unfailingly rate the most successful conferences as those packed with speakers with practical experience who give case studies.

Since our philosophy is to be issues content driven, we do not embrace vendors sales pitched presentations in our conferences. A truly independent, relevant, well-presented, information-packed presentation is what our delegates expect. It is our task to ensure that this happens by having speakers adhere to the agenda and outline of the presentations that were agreed with them and which were based on the market research.

If you are interested to speak and feel that you meet the criteria just mentioned, we will be happy to place your details in our speaker database.

Please email your background, area of expertise and contact details by clicking here: www.kavaq.com/speakers. Please note that we will only approach you for speaking purposes when an appropriate situation arises. Rest assured however that your information will be appreciated by us and kept in our active files.