Q1 |
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Why are you applying for this position? |
Q2 |
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Why do you want to leave the current job, or why did you leave the previous jobs? |
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Tell us about yourself and your last job. |
Q4 |
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Have you ever missed a deadline or failed to complete a task that others expected you to complete? |
Yes |
No |
(If Yes) How did you feel about that? Why did you feel that way? |
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For you, what are some of the things that motivate or make a job fulfilling? |
Q6 |
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What principles guide your conduct? |
Q7 |
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What kinds of contingency plans you would use in producing & organizing an event? |
Q8 |
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Some people plan everything ahead of time while other people like spontaneity. Which best describes you and why? |
I prefer to plan everything |
I prefer spontaneity |
Q9 |
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Tell us about a problem that occurred often enough that you felt compelled to correct it? What was the situation and what did you do? |
Q10 |
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How would those who know you describe you? |
Q11 |
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You are put in charge of a project. Prior to your taking over the project had missed one deadline and is now close to missing the second. How would you handle this? |
Please create or copy and paste your word resume in the box: (MAXIMUM 2500 CHARACTERS) |